by Thomas Leake | Feb 15, 2016
Why is it important that we believe Jesus was bodily raised from the dead?
by Thomas Leake | Feb 8, 2016
Why is it important that we believe Jesus paid for all our sins?
by Thomas Leake | Jan 11, 2016
Why is it important we believe that Jesus is both God and man?
by Thomas Leake | Jan 4, 2016
In this session, Pastor Leake answers the questions regarding how to find a church and why membership in a local church is important. He also seeks to briefly clear up some confusion regarding baptism. We invite you to listen along!
by Thomas Leake | Dec 28, 2015
The term witnessing can be polarizing and intimidating. Listen along as Pastor Leake explains the who, what, where, when, how and why of witnessing.